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Magnus - corner stone for future-proof customer services

Pierre-Alain Genilloud


Miguel Santos Ariza

GF Machining Solutions

Über das Referat

GF Machining Solutions aims to empower its service organizations and customers by facilitating their access to the know-how and technical information built by its teams. In this context, GF Machining Solutions implemented a hub, Magnus, supporting the integration and consolidation of knowledge gathered in different systems. This hub leverages the technical expertise and customer support feedback which can be found in the systems supporting tickets resolution worldwide, the alarm database, as well as the official documentation maintained by GFMS

This hub supports direct search by engineers or external parties, integrating taxonomy information, spell checking, automatic translations, synonym-enriched queries and intention recognition to optimize and facilitate information access. The system is scalable and future ready, providing the information hub required for GenAI based applications.

Über die Referierenden

Pierre-Alain Genilloud: Data architect, uncovers solutions and facilitates alignment between technology and needs. I advocate for innovation through data orientation and effective communication. I lead projects involving data, machine learning, and AI. Additionaly I act as an expert in data architecture, governance, and engineering. I set up project configurations that forster collaboration among cross-functional teams and stakeholders, effectively bridging the gap between business and technical expertise


Miguel Santos Ariza: As Head of Service Lab, I lead strategic management of supplier part discontinuation, collaborating with internal and external partners. My focus includes expanding spare parts repairability for sustainability and cost efficiency. I integrate AI-driven solutions from new machines into existing installations, enhancing customer sustainability. I coordinate stakeholders to rigorously test and validate solutions, ensuring efficacy and reliability in supplier discontinuation, repairability extension, and sustainability integration initiatives through rigorous validation processes with my team.

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